Saturday, January 8, 2011

Ayurvedic Cure for Diabetes or Madhumeha or Prameha

Ayurvedic Cure for Diabetes or Madhumeha or Prameha

I wrote about this disease, its prevention and cure some days back also and I got reponse from some readers that the details are not that much and they need more details to actually benefit from it. So I took it up this topic in much more details this time.
Diabetes Mellitus or Prameha or Madhumeha or Asrava has become the most dangerous killer disease across the globe. Though thousands of people are dying with Diabetes around the world every year, yet there is no discovery of the cure of this disease. The more unfortunate part is that there is very less awareness among people on the capabilities of Ayurveda, to not only prevent these disease (even for them who have history in family) but it can also be cured to a certain extent in more than one ways like frequency of taking insulin injections is reduced drastically or improving functioning of pancreas that generates insulin or reducing the requirement of insulin by body etc.
We all know that Diabetes Mellitus is the medical condition in which there is an accumulation of glucose in the blood and urine of the person. So, it is a metabolic disorder, which is caused due to malfunctioning of pancreas – which is responsible for production of an important hormone called insulin.
According to Ayurveda, Diabetes is divided in 4 major types (and total 21 types)

  • Kapha type (again divided into 10 types)
  • Pitta type (again divided into 6 types)
  • Vata type (divided into 4 types)
  • Juvenile diabetes for children

 It is categorized by Ayurveda as “Maharoga” (major disease) because it affects most part of the body and every cell of the human physiology. The ancient Indian physicians described not only the sweetness of urine as one of the major symptoms but also the relationship of the disease with disturbance of the 5 sheaths of the body – Annamaya kosha (Food sheath), Pranamaya kosha (Energy sheath), Manomaya kosha (Mind Sheath), Vijnanamaya kosha (Intellectual Sheath) and Anandamaya kosha (Bliss Sheath).
Though Prameha (Diabetes) is a tridoshaja vyadhi, the relative predominance of any one dosha and dooshya enables its classification in to Vathaja, Pithaja and Kaphaja pramehas. These have further been classified in to twenty sub categories (as highlighted above) in all the three classics of Ayurveda. Kaphaja and Pittaja prameha have been sub classified in to ten types and six types respectively. These sixteen types have the physical characteristics of urine that is colour, density and volume depending up on the different gunas of Kapha and Pitta. Vataja prameha has been sub classified in to four types depending up on dhatu being excreted through urine.
The prodromal symptoms of this disease are:
  • Profuse sweating
  • Foul smell of the body
  • Looseness the body
  • Feeling of lethargy
  • Heavy heart feeling
  • Feel like something coated on eyes
  • Excessive growth of nails and hair
  • Affinity toward cold
  • Dryness of throat and palate
  • Sweet taste in mouth
  • Burning sensation in palms and foot soles
  • Sweetness in urine
After catching Diabetes, the main symptoms are:

  • Increased thirst, increased urination, increased appetite are the initial signs
  • Blurred vision, skin irritation or infection, weakness or loss of strength, and decreased healing capability
  • Sugar in urine
If diabetes is not identified at the right time advanced symptoms like fluid and electrolyte imbalance, acidosis, coma are also seen.
Role of Ojus in Prameha: Ojus is the essence of life, an extract of the seven dhathus (Elements) represented as bala (strength) of the body. The ojus in a healthy person determines the physical, psychic, sensory motor functions of the body. This is a biochemical component of the body which is reddish-white in color and residing in heart & other vital organs of the body. If ojus is disturbed, degeneration will be fast and will result in decreased life span. In prameha, ojus is expunged from the body through all navadwaras (Nine Exits of human body) especially through urine & sweat.
Ojus gets imbalanced in prameha in two ways:
  • Through obstruction in blood vessels (srothorodha)
  • Degeneration of the body components is dhatu kshaya which can cause both cardiac & nervous system disorders - all this is ojakshaya meaning an imbalance in Ojus

Let us now talk about the various treatments suggested by Ayurveda that have the potential to reduce and sometimes remove Prameha or Diabetes.
Bitter Gourd: This can be utilized quite effectively in treatment of Diabetes as it contains a hypoglycemic or insulin-like principle, designated as plant-insulin, which has been found precious in lowering the blood and urine sugar levels. The best method is to take the juice of about four or five Karelas (bitter gourd) each morning on an empty stomach. Alternatively (or additionally), the seeds can be added to food in a powdered state. Diabetics can also use bitter gourd in the state of a decoction by boiling the pieces in water or in the form of dry powder.
Indian Gooseberry: Since it is high in vitamin C content, it is helpful in reducing blood sugar levels. Researches have shown that the anti-oxidants such as Vitamin C taken with other supplements has a great effect on diabetics, helping them lowering high sugar blood levels. It also helps reducing the risk of atherosclerosis too, that often occurs in diabetics. In this way the onset of heart stroke is easily delayed, and you may be well protected.
Blackberry: Jamun or black berry is quite useful in Diabetes treatment. Since pancreas malfunctioning is one of the characteristics of Diabetes and Jamun positively impact pancreas, it is an effective treatment of Diabetes. Its seeds contain a glucoside 'jamboline' which is supposed to have the power to check the pathological conversion of starch into sugar in cases of increased production of glucose. In addition of blackberry fruit, the tree bark is also useful for diabetic patients. The method of taking Jamun is to dry and powder its fruit seeds. One teaspoon of this powder should be mixed in one cup of milk or water or half a cup of curd, and taken two times daily. The internal bark of Jamun tree can also be dried and burnt after which it will be converted to white color ash. This ash must be pestled in mortar, strained and bottled. And then the diabetic patient should be given ten grams of this ash on an empty stomach with water in the morning, and twenty grams in the afternoon, and in the evening an hour after taking meals.
We will talk about some more herbal treatments for diabetes in my next post. Also, we will talk about the other effective treatments that Ayurveda suggests for this disease.

Cancer Herbs

Cancer Herbs

There are probably more varieties of cytotoxic herbs than there are chemotherapeutic drugs. Hartwell researched all references to cancer herbs spanning 5000 years and 2,500,000 herbs. Of these, he determined that at least 3000 herbs possess some anticancer properties. This is the same figure used by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
Exactly how and why an herb addresses cancer differs enormously from plant to plant, but we may never learn as much as we need to know unless the companies performing the research can isolate an active ingredient that they can develop into a patentable drug. I personally oppose these efforts because in their whole forms and working in synergy with other herbs, the cytotoxic actions are often buffered by the protective actions. What this means in lay terms is that while a particular constituent of an herb, such as the alkaloids vincristine and vinblastine that are found in the Madagascar periwinkle, may have specific cytotoxic properties, the other hundred or two hundred constituents may have other supportive actions such as the capacity to lower blood sugar or detoxify the liver or protect organs from damage while the cancer cells are being killed. Every herbalist I know favors not just the use of whole herbs in their natural forms but usually also the synergy of several herbs in combination with each other.

What are these 3000 Herbs?

Of the 3000 herbs with proven anticancer actions, the mechanisms by which they achieve their effects varies significantly. Some arrest the fermentation process upon which the cancer cells depend for survival; some are directly toxic, more to the tumor than healthy tissue; some inhibit cell division; some affect the pH in such a way as to reduce the risks of oxidizing chemicals and the development of secondary tumors and/or metastasis.
Finding the combination that works best for a particular patient is not really a matter of trial and error. Starting with some basic understanding permits one to narrow the focus to a group of formulas likely to accomplish the desired tasks. Obviously, the better the information and greater the knowledge, the more likely it is that correct choices can be made.
I have been reading about anticancer herbs for almost 35 years. Except for a few herbs here and there, such as chaparral, I strongly believe that herbs like companions and that they work best in combination with other herbs. This immediately makes for a huge difference between an isolated constituent and a whole herb, not to mention a formula. Look at Nature. Chaparral grows in the desert where it has few companions, but red clover grows in meadows where there are many other herbs. My uncle wrote a little book at the end of his life. My favorite line was, "If you wish to understand Nature, do not disturb Her." His words have guided me in much of my work with Nature.
For instance, while one may find lists of anticancer herbs that go on and on and formulas that contain 25 or even 75 herbs, I am not too keen on some of these formulas. I prefer the ones that exhibit relationship to the cultural tradition and geographic region that has given us the herbal knowledge. By this, I mean that while pau d'arco may be a fine herb, I think it belongs in a Brazilian formula, not in combination with chaparral or bloodroot.
Many of the formulas re-created for Sacred Medicine Sanctuary are Native American. There are significant Cherokee influences in our tonics. We also carry the Ojibwa formula, called Essiac, and, of course, chaparral which is from the Southwest. In addition, we have created a specialty line of supportive products that address specific aspects of the healing process. Some of our formulas are available through the Sacred Medicine web site, but most are only distributed to practitioners.


I know that deciding how to address cancer is very difficult. Patients and their friends and family are afraid of making a mistake that could cost valuable time or perhaps a life. I want to say that I recognize this dilemma, but I walk in my own sandals. I would offer my sandals to you for a day, but I suspect you would give them back after a few minutes or hours because they fit me better than they do you. I am comfortable with who I am as well as with what Sacred Medicine Sanctuary has to offer, but we make no claims, offer no guarantees, and promise only that we do our best to create responsible herbal products whose formulas are supported by historic healiing traditions, not science.

It is a point of honor for me that I offer the knowledge I have freely . . . without interferring with your decision making processes. I know, I could make it easier on others as well as myself by telling you to take a particular product, but you will never hear me say that. I want to facilitate healing and part of healing means forging a connection between what you feel and what you think. Ergo, if it feels right, it very likely is right. Follow your own inner guidance.
I will offer this. If you are totally confused yet believe the products we provide might be right for you, have your primary health care provider contact me. I will gladly discuss your case history with your doctor and brainstorm what might meet your needs. Please, however, have your practitioner make the contact.
If you are prompted to try our products, I will make it a little simpler by suggesting that you consider one or both of the two main tonics. Trifolium Compound [now called Sundance Elixir] is somewhat more detoxifying and stimulating to the eliminatory system. It has nine herbs that are known to have anticancer actions, but it also contains some cascara sagrada and is purging in higher dosages. Compound Syrup Scrophularia [renamed Seneca Elixir] is more subtle but seems to work better where there is more swelling, lymphatic congestion, and hard lumps. I feel it is also more effective where infection might be aggravating the cancer. Both of these tonics are historic re-creations of tonics or elixirs with a long history in the treatment of cancer.

Best cancer treatment

Scientists report that the chief causes of cancer are toxic pollutants in the environment. Cancer is a global concern. The World Health Organization is pointing the finger at environmental toxins as key contributors to cancer. There is more and more evidence that there are some herbs for cancer treatment.


Healing cancer naturally is becoming very effective. The war against cancer is on the move and using herbs for cancer treatment becomes more and more popular. The human body is a work of genius and has the power to heal cancer naturally and using herbs for cancer treatment. It is so complex and so magnificent that scientists marvel at its incredible power. Just for a few examples: 600 muscles allow us to move, 970 miles of blood vessels carry six quarts of blood that complete a lap to and from the heart every two minutes , 10 million nerve endings connect the brain to the body etc. Our bodies just need water and the right foods to function properly.


Using herbs for cancer treatment can help the body to support its healing power. In order to achieve this challenge it needs to get the proper nutrients from what we eat. Crops are being sprayed with pesticides, herbicides and insecticides. Soils are being depleted of essential minerals necessary to keep body cells in good health. A recent study indicates that five to seven servings of green leafy vegetables daily will reduce cancer by 66 percent. But most Americans do not eat enough vegetables. Healing cancer naturally can be achieved with proper nutrition, exercise and herbs for cancer treatment.

We humans are destroying the earth's balance and diversity of life forms. Several companies are now marketing oxygen therapy equipment and oxygenated water. There are even oxygen bars where you can buy and inhale pure oxygen "cocktails". At this rate, a day may come when we must carry oxygen tanks on our backs or in our cars. In final analysis, we are destroying our own human existence. By chance, there are some avenues to ward off the onslaught of pollution and poisons, even to protect ourselves from cancer. Herbs for cancer treatment are available to help the body to heal cancer naturally as long as it has the right keys to neutralize the invading toxins.

Many different factors may cause cancer. Mainly, cancer is caused by the failure of some cells to undergo normal regulated growth due to DNA defects in specific target cells.

Many findings have shown that some herbs for cancer treatment can help our body to heal cancer naturally as well as other various diseases. Here's what we know about how to heal cancer naturally. Here what some herbs for cancer treatment can do to support and heal cancer naturally.

* To heal cancer naturally, your body needs: * To be in an oxygenated and alkaline state. * To be able to detoxify and eliminate toxins. * High levels of enzymes. * High antioxidant levels to destroy free radicals

Bellirica Myrobalan (Triphala Rasayana) A great Herb

 Bellirica Myrobalan (Triphala Rasayana) A great Herb.

"Don't have a mother to take care of you? As long as you take Triphala everyday, don't worry, everything will be fine." -- Indian saying

The word Triphala means "three fruits." Triphala is a very famous and traditional herbal combination used extensively by ayurvedic healers.

Triphala is made up of equal parts of Amalaki (Indian Gooseberry or Emblica officinalis), Haritaki (Indian Gallnut or Terminalia chebula), and Bibhitaki (Beleric Myrobalan or Terminalia bellerica).

Although Triphala is most commonly used to cleanse and tone the digestive tract, it is in reality an ayurvedic rasayana--a rejuvenative herbal blend that delivers benefits to the physiology as a whole. Ancient ayurvedic texts state that rasayanas promote overall health and longevity with their simultaneous cleansing and nourishing properties and ojas-enhancing qualities. Ojas is the most refined product of digestion, and according to ayurvedic healers, ojas promotes physical, mental, emotional, sensual and spiritual health.

Some specific benefits of Triphala

* Triphala promotes the health of the digestive tract. It helps cleanse, tone and nourish the digestive system, resulting in more complete and efficient digestion and assimilation of food. As digestion improves, less ama (digestive toxic matter) is created, and this leads to better health and an improved immune system.
* In normal doses, Triphala is mildly laxative in nature, and can be used as an internal cleanser for extended periods of time without fear of the harsh purging wrought by strong eliminative formulas. It is not habit forming. Despite its gentle action, Triphala cleanses deeply when used regularly--it helps purify the blood, muscle and fat tissue.
* Triphala is beneficial for the eyes and the skin. It helps keep the eyes healthy and bright and the skin clear. Triphala gives the skin a natural glow.
* Triphala purifies the urine and helps maintain the health and function of the urinary tract.
* Triphala helps cleanse and strengthen the liver.
* Because it helps cleanse the fat tissue, Triphala helps balance cholesterol levels and helps weight management.
* Triphala is balancing for all the three doshas.
* Triphala has antioxidant properties. Indian Gooseberry, one of its three components, is the most potent natural source of Vitamin C known to humanity.

Buy Triphala Rasayana